Adverbial clause adalah dependent clause yang berfungsi
sebagai adverb (kata
keterangan) dan memberikan informasi tentang verb, adjective,
atau adverb yang berada pada independent
clause dengan kapasitasnya menjawab pertanyaan: how, when, where, why,
atau to what degree.
Adverbial clause dimulai dengan suatu kata yang
disebut subordinate conjunction (when,
after, because, though, etc). Kata ini berguna untuk menjembatani hubungan
dengan independent clause yang diterangkan. Gabungan klausa ini
dengan independent clause dinamakan dengan complex
sentence, yaitu kalimat yang terdiri dari independent dan
satu atau lebih dependent clause.
Rumus Adverbial
Rumus complex
sentence dan adverbial clause adalah sebagai berikut.
Complex Sentence:
Clause (S + V +/- …)* + Adverbial Clause
Adverbial Clause:
Conjunction + S + V +/- …
*S + V +/- … = predicate
(Tanda Baca) pada Adverbial Clause
Adverbial clause dapat berada di awal kalimat, kemudian diikuti
oleh independent clause. Sebaliknya, independent clause dapat
berada di awal kalimat, kemudian diikuti oleh adverbial clause. Jika
berada di awal, diujung klausa ini diberi tanda baca koma.
Contoh Complex
Di awal: Because
I had free time, I visited your house.
Di akhir: I
visited your house because I had free time. (Saya mengunjungi rumahmu
karena saya punya waktu luang.)
Macam-macam adverbial
clause antara lain:
- Adverbial clause of time (waktu),
- Place(tempat),
- Cause & effect (sebab & akibat),
- Purpose & result (tujuan & hasil),
- Condition(pengandaian),
- Contrast/consession (pertentangan),
- Manner (cara), dan
- Reason(alasan).
1.) Adverbial
clause of time (waktu)
Kata keterangan yang dipakai oleh jenis ini adalah kata-kata
keterangan waktu, seperti: When, While, Before dan After.

- He was talking on
the phone when I arrived.
- When she called,
he had already eaten lunch.
- I washed the
dishes when my daughter fell asleep.
- We'll go to lunch
when you come to visit.
- We will finish
before he arrives.
- She (had) left
before I telephoned.
- We will finish
after he comes.
- She ate after I
(had) left.
While, as
- She began cooking
while I was finishing my homework.
- As I was
finishing my homework, she began cooking.
By the time
- By the time he
finished, I had cooked dinner.
- We will have
finished our homework by the time they arrive.
Until, till
- We waited until
he finished his homework.
- I'll wait till
you finish.
- I have played
tennis since I was a young boy.
- They have worked
here since 1987.
As soon as
- He will let us
know as soon as he decides (or as soon as he has decided).
- As soon as I hear
from Tom, I will give you a telephone call.
Whenever, every time
- Whenever he
comes, we go to have lunch at "Macdonald's".
- We take a hike
every time he visits.
The first, second, third, fourth etc.,
next, last time
- The first time I
went to New York, I was intimidated by the city.
- I saw Jack the
last time I went to San Francisco.
- The second time I
played tennis, I began to have fun.

2.) Cause &
effect (sebab & akibat)
Kata keterangan yang dipakai
oleh jenis ini adalah kata-kata keterangan seperti: Because, Since, As long as,
As, dan Due the fact that.
- They received a
high mark on their exam because they had studied hard.
- I'm studying hard
because I want to pass my exam.
- He works a lot of
overtime because his rent is so expensive
- Since he loves
music so much, he decided to go to a conservatory.
- They had to leave
early since their train left at 8.30.
As long as
- As long as you
have the time, why don't you come for dinner?
- As the test is
difficult, you had better get some sleep.
Inasamuch as
- Inasmuch as the
students had succesfully completed their exams, their parents rewarded their
efforts by giving them a trip to Paris.
Due to the fact that
- We will be
staying for an extra week due to the fact that we haven not yet finished.
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